Improve Your Candidate Experience With This 5-Step Checklist

Candidate Experience

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The war for talent is real; if you want to win it, you must start with strong candidate experience. Think about it: when was the last time you had a great experience as a job candidate? Chances are, it’s been a while. Most candidates have had a string of bad experiences that have left them frustrated, disrespected, and unimportant. This is a huge problem for companies trying to attract top talent. Unfortunately, many companies are still not doing enough to improve their candidate experience. If your candidate experience leaves something to be desired, you’re losing out on some great hires.

A recent study found that only 11% of companies surveyed felt they were delivering an excellent candidate experience. If you want to ensure your company provides a great candidate experience, use this checklist. It will help you identify areas where you can improve to attract and retain top talent.

What is the candidate experience?

Candidate experience is the sum of all job-seeker interactions with your company during the recruiting process. From the moment they first hear about your organization to their final decision on whether or not to accept your job offer, candidates are constantly forming opinions about your company based on their interactions.

Creating a positive candidate experience should be a top priority for any organization looking to attract and retain the best talent. By improving your candidate experience, you can improve your hiring outcomes and build brand ambassadors who will spread positive word-of-mouth about your company.

The candidate experience from the employer’s perspective

From the employer’s perspective, the candidate experience is how a potential employee interacts with the company during the recruiting and hiring process.

A positive candidate experience can increase brand awareness and a more diverse pool of qualified applicants. It can also lead to improved retention rates and decreased time-to-hire.

The candidate experience and employer branding

The candidate experience is the journey that a candidate takes from the moment they learn about your company to the moment they either receive an offer or are rejected. An excellent candidate experience is essential for employer branding.

Why does candidate experience matter?

Candidate experience is important for several reasons. For one, it can help you attract top talent. Candidates who have a positive experience during the hiring process are more likely to accept a job offer and stay with your company longer. In addition, candidate experience can improve your employer brand and make it easier to recruit in the future. Finally, happy candidates are more likely to tell their friends and family about your company, which can help you attract even more top talent.

The Most Important touchpoints to improve the candidate experience

The most important touchpoints to improve the candidate experience are:

Candidate Experience in The Application Process

The first step to improving your candidate experience is ensuring that your application process is as streamlined and user-friendly as possible. Candidates should be able to find information about the position easily, and the application process should be clearly explained.

If your application process is long or complicated, candidates will likely get frustrated and give up before completing it. Make sure you only ask for essential information and consider using an online form builder to make the process quicker and simpler.

Once candidates have submitted their applications, they should receive an automated response confirming receipt. They should be kept updated throughout the process to know when to expect a decision. Try to provide feedback to all candidates, even if unsuccessful – this will show that you value their time and effort.

Candidate Experience in The Interview Process

Candidates should feel like they are a valuable part of the interview process, not just another number. Here are a few ways to ensure a positive candidate experience:

  1. Make sure you are prepared for each candidate. Review their resumes and applications in advance so you can ask thoughtful questions.
  2. Give candidates plenty of time to answer their questions. Don’t rush or make them feel like they are on a timetable.
  3. Let candidates know what to expect from the interview process beforehand. This way, they won’t be caught off guard by any surprises.
  4. Follow up with candidates after the interview, even if you don’t think they are a good fit for the position. A simple “thank you for your time” goes a long way.

Candidate Experience in The Onboarding Process

The onboarding process is critical to the candidate experience. Here are five steps you can take to improve your candidate experience and increase your chances of success:

Communicate early and often with candidates: Make sure candidates know what to expect during the onboarding process and keep them updated on any changes or delays. Prompt communication will show candidates that you value their time and want to ensure they have a positive experience.

Train your team members who interact with candidates: Ensure that everyone who contacts candidates during the onboarding process knows your company’s values and how to communicate effectively with candidates. Well-trained team members will help create a positive impression of your company.

Make sure all the paperwork is in order before Candidates start: Onboarding can be overwhelming for candidates if there is a lot of paperwork involved. To make things easier for candidates (and your team!), ensure everything is organized and ready to go before candidates arrive. This way, they can hit the ground running on their first day.

Give Candidates a warm welcome on their first day: First impressions matter! Greet Candidates warmly on their first day, introduce them to their co-workers, and show them around the office. A little effort goes a long way in making Candidates feel comfortable and welcome at your company.

Quick Tips: The dos and don’ts of candidate experience

The candidate experience is one of the most important aspects of recruiting and hiring. A great candidate experience can make a huge difference in the quality of your hires, while a bad candidate experience can dissuade top talent from applying to your company.

Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when it comes to candidate experience:


-Make sure your job postings are clear and concise.

-Respond to all applications promptly.

-Be transparent about the hiring process.

-Provide feedback to candidates, both successful and unsuccessful.

-Make sure your interviewers are well-prepared and professional.


-Keep candidates waiting for long periods without updates.

-Make candidates jump through hoops unnecessarily.

-Give conflicting or vague information about the role or the company.

-Fail to provide any feedback after an interview.

5 Simple Ways How Recruiters Can Give the Best Candidate Experience

As a recruiter, your goal is to find the best candidates for open positions within your company. However, the candidate’s experience is just as important as finding the right person for the job. By giving candidates a positive experience, you increase the chances that they will want to work for your company and refer others to you in the future.

There are many small things that you can do to improve the candidate experience. Here are a few simple ways:

1. Approach Candidates With a Short & Professional Pitch

When reaching out to candidates, it is important to keep your pitch short and professional. This will help to ensure that the candidate has a positive experience and is more likely to want to continue working with you.

To start, introduce yourself and your company in a few sentences. Then, explain what you are looking for in a candidate and why you think the candidate would be a good fit for the position. Finally, provide a brief overview of the next steps in the process.

2. Update Candidates on the Status of Their Application in Time

It can be frustrating for candidates when they submit a job application and then never hear back from the company. According to a study by CareerArc, 70% of job seekers said they have experienced this “black hole” problem.

To avoid frustrating your candidates, keep them updated on the status of their applications on time. Let them know if their application has been received and is being reviewed or if they have been selected for an interview. If you cannot move forward with their candidacy, let them know as soon as possible so they can continue their job search elsewhere.

Keeping candidates updated throughout the process will improve their experience and may even increase the likelihood that they will apply again in the future.

3. Write Great Job Descriptions to Improve your candidate experience

Write great job descriptions

It’s no secret that a well-written job description can improve your candidate experience. By crafting a compelling and accurate description of the role you’re looking to fill, you can give candidates a clear sense of what the job entails and what they can expect if they’re hired. This can help weed out those who aren’t a good fit for the position, saving you and them time and frustration down the road.

Use an applicant tracking system

An applicant tracking system (ATS) can be a valuable tool in improving your candidate experience. An ATS can help you keep track of applicants, automate some of the more mundane tasks associated with recruiting (like sending rejection emails), and even score applicants based on their qualifications. This can take much of the legwork out of recruiting, giving you more time to focus on interacting with candidates.

Communicate regularly with candidates

One of the candidates’ biggest complaints is that they don’t hear back from employers after applying for a job. To avoid this issue, communicate regularly with candidates throughout the hiring process. Whether sending a generic response to all applicants or personally reaching out to those who move on to the next stage of the process, staying in touch will show candidates that you value their time and effort.

4. Easy Job Application Process to Improve your candidate experience

The first step to improving your candidate experience is to make the job application process easy. Many candidates give up on applying to jobs because they find the process too complicated or time-consuming. By making the job application process easy and streamlined, you’ll encourage more candidates to apply and improve your chances of finding the best fit for your open position.

To make your job application process easier for candidates, start by creating an online form that can be completed in a few minutes. Include all necessary information, but don’t make the form too long or complex. It would be best if you also allowed candidates to apply using their resumes or CV.

Once your online form is set up, promote it on your website and through social media channels. Make sure applicants know that they can easily apply for your open position through your online form.

In addition to making the job application process easy, you should also ensure it’s efficient. Please review your application process regularly and look for ways to streamline it. For example, you might consider implementing an applicant tracking system (ATS) to help you keep track of applications and manage the hiring process more effectively.

5. Be Honest with Your Feedback to Improve your candidate experience

To improve your candidate experience, be honest with your feedback. It can be difficult to give feedback that is both negative and positive, but it is essential to do so to improve the overall experience for candidates.

Be sure to point out both the good and the bad when critiquing a candidate. This way, they will know what areas they need to work on and what they are doing well. Honesty is key when giving feedback, as it will help candidates learn and improve for future interviews.


By following these five steps, you can vastly improve your candidate experience and ensure that your applicants have a positive experience with your company from start to finish. In today’s competitive job market, ensuring you are doing everything possible to attract and retain the best talent is more important than ever.

By providing a great candidate experience, you will set yourself apart from other employers and ensure that your company is the one that top candidates want to work for and fill your open positions quickly.

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