Twitter: Recruiters’ Secret Tool For Candidate Sourcing

Candidate Sourcing Twitter

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Twitter may not be the first platform that comes to mind when you think of recruiting, but it can be a powerful tool for sourcing talent. With over 320 million active users, Twitter provides recruiters with a vast pool of potential candidates to reach out to. And with Twitter’s advanced search features, it’s easy to find the right people. According to a new report from Software Advice, 35 percent of Fortune 500 companies have Twitter handles dedicated to recruiting the ideal candidate (Source).

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use Twitter for recruiting, including how to find potential candidates and how engage with them.

What is Social Media Recruiting?

Twitter is a powerful tool for recruiting talent. Many recruiters consider it to be their secret weapon. It allows you to reach many candidates who are actively looking for new employment quickly and easily. Many hiring managers search for candidates based on location, job roles, or keywords.

You can also follow companies, industry leaders, and other influential people in your field to find out about new job openings.

Twitter is also a great way to build relationships with potential candidates. You can start conversations, answer questions, and offer valuable information. Building relationships with potential candidates is one of the most important aspects of recruiting. Twitter allows you to do this quickly and easily. Social media recruiting can help you attract top talent and improve your hiring success rate. Here are some reasons for getting started with social media recruiting on Twitter:

Top Reasons to still love Twitter for candidate sourcing

1. Twitter is a great way to connect with potential candidates.

2. Twitter is a great way to identify talent.

3. Twitter is a great way to engage with potential candidates.

4. Twitter is a great way to learn about potential candidates.

5. Twitter is a great way to build relationships with potential candidates.

10 candidate sourcing strategies to build your talent pipeline

Twitter has fast become one of the most popular platforms for sourcing talent. As a result, more and more recruiters are turning to Twitter to find the best candidates for their open positions. If you’re new to sourcing talent on Twitter or looking for tips to improve your results, this blog post is for you. We’ll give you a rundown of the best practices for sourcing talent on Twitter, so you can start making the most of this powerful tool.

Here are some clever ways to use Twitter to recruit talent:

Define your sourcing strategy

There are a few things to consider when developing your sourcing strategy on Twitter. To start, you need to understand your purpose for being on Twitter. Are you looking to build relationships with potential candidates? Are you looking to share content to help them in their job search? Once you know your purpose, you can start to develop a plan for how to best use Twitter to achieve your goals.

One way to source talent on Twitter is to follow industry leaders and experts in your field. Following these, people will see the latest job postings and announcements. You can also retweet or share these postings to help promote the open positions. Another way to source talent on Twitter is to search for hashtags related to the position you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a web developer, you can search for the hashtag #webdevjobs. This will allow you to see all of the latest job postings for web developers in one place.

Once you have developed a plan for using Twitter to source talent, it is important to stick with it and be consistent. The more active you are on Twitter, you will likely find qualified candidates.

Find relevant Twitter chats as your sourcing channel

A few Twitter chats regularly occur that are relevant to sourcing talent. They are #COSD (Career Opportunities in the Sports Industry), #SIS (Sports Industry Series), and #Job Hunt Chat. To find others, search for “Twitter chats” and related keywords.

These chats provide an opportunity to engage with potential candidates in a more informal setting, allowing you to get to know them better and gauge their interest in opportunities that you may have. It’s also a great way to build your network of contacts in the industry.

To participate in a chat, follow the hashtag and jump into the conversation when you see something that interests you. Be sure to introduce yourself and let people know what you’re looking for so they can look for opportunities that may fit you.

Use Twitter lists to reach out to candidates.

Twitter lists are a great way to source talent. By creating a list of people in your industry, you can easily see who is talking about what and who is connected to whom. This makes it easy to find potential candidates and connect with them on Twitter.

To create a list, go to your profile page and click on the Lists tab. Then, click on the Create List button. Enter a name for your list and a description, then click Save. You can add people to your list by clicking the Add to List button next to their name on their profile page.

Once you have created a list, you can find potential candidates by looking at who is talking about certain topics or is connected to certain people. For example, if you are looking for someone with experience in social media marketing, you could create a list of people who work in that field and follow them on Twitter. This way, you will see what they are saying about social media marketing and be able to reach out to them directly.

Utilize Twitter search to discover potential active and passive candidates.

Twitter search can be a valuable tool for sourcing talent. You can find potential candidates who may be a good fit for your open positions by searching for relevant keywords. You can also use Twitter search to keep up with the latest news and trends in your industry, which can help you identify potential candidates.

To get started, go to and enter your search query into the search bar. You can use operators such as “AND” and “OR” to refine your results. For example, if you’re looking for software engineers, you could search for “software engineer AND twitter.”

Once you’ve entered your search query, you’ll see a results list. To view more results, click on the “More options” button and select “All.”

You can also use advanced search operators to refine your results further. For example, if you want to find software engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area, you could search for “software engineer AND Location: San Francisco Bay Area.”

Once you’ve found some potential candidates, look at their profiles to learn more about them. Check out their recent tweets to see what they’re interested in and engaged with. You can also view their bio to see if they have the skills and experience you’re looking for.

If you think a candidate might be a good fit for your company, reach out to them! Send them a direct message or mention them in a tweet.

Monitor recruitment hashtags

If you’re looking to source talent on Twitter, one of the best things you can do is monitor relevant hashtags. This will help you see who’s talking about the topics that are important to your business, and it can also give you a sense of the kind of talent out there.

To get started, take a look at the hashtags that are relevant to your industry or business. For example, if you’re in the tech industry, you might want to follow hashtags like #startup or #coding. Once you’ve identified some relevant hashtags, start following them and paying attention to the conversations that are taking place.

You can also use Twitter’s search function to find tweets that contain specific keywords or phrases. This can be a great way to find people talking about specific topics relevant to your business.

Finally, don’t forget to keep an eye on your competitors’ hashtags. This can give you insight into their actions and how they attract talent.

Tweet jobs to your followers

If you’re looking to source talent on Twitter, one of the best ways to do it is to tweet jobs to your followers. This will help you get your job postings in front of a larger audience, and it can also help you build relationships with potential candidates.

When tweeting jobs, be sure to use relevant hashtags so that people can easily find your postings. You can also include a career page link or an online application form.

Don’t forget to interact with potential candidates who respond to your tweets! Take the time to learn about their skills and experience, and see if they might be a good fit for the position.

Check out the profile bios to engage with your talent

Twitter is a powerful tool for sourcing talent. It has over 320 million active users and a vast pool of candidate profiles. And with its public-facing nature, Twitter makes it easy to see someone’s professional brand and get a sense of their personality – making it ideal for sourcing talent.

To find potential candidates on Twitter, start by searching for relevant keywords. For example, if you’re looking for a marketing manager, you might search for “marketing” or “social media marketing.”

Once you have a list of potential candidates, look at their profile bios to learn more about them. Pay attention to their job title, location, and what they’re tweeting about. This will give you a good sense of whether or not they’re a good fit for your needs.

When you find someone who looks like a good fit, reach out to them! You can send them a direct message or @mention them in a tweet. introduce yourself and let them know you’re interested in learning more about their work.

Twitter Advanced Search is a powerful talent-sourcing tool that can be used to source talent on Twitter. You can narrow your searches to find the most relevant results using advanced search features.

First, log in to your Twitter account to use Twitter Advanced Search. Then, click on the search bar and select “Advanced search” from the drop-down menu. From here, you can enter your search criteria into the various fields. For example, you can search for tweets containing certain keywords from a specific location or time period.

Once you have entered your search criteria, click the “Search” button to see the results. You can then scroll through the results and look for potential candidates that match your needs.

When you find a potential candidate, you can click on their profile to learn more about them. You can also send them a direct message if you want to contact them directly.

Try out some Boolean searches to find top talent.

When you’re searching for talent on Twitter, Boolean searches can be a helpful way to find the right people. Boolean searches let you combine keywords with operators like AND, OR, and NOT to create more specific search queries.

For example, if you’re looking for graphic designers in the United States, you could search for “graphic designer AND location: USA.” This would return tweets from people who have both “graphic designer” and “location: USA” in their profile.

You can also use Boolean searches to exclude certain keywords from your results. For example, if you want to find software engineers but don’t want to see results for people who also list themselves as students, you could search for “software engineer -student.” This would return tweets from people who have “software engineer” in their profile but do not have “student” in their profile.

Boolean searches can be a great way to narrow down your search results and find the potential job candidates you’re looking for on Twitter.

Leverage Twitter network for referrals

Looking to source talent on Twitter? You’re in luck! Twitter is a great platform for connecting with potential candidates. Here are some tips for leveraging your Twitter connections to source talent:

Use hashtags to find relevant candidates:

Hashtags are a great way to find relevant candidates on Twitter. Search for relevant hashtags (e.g., #jobsearch, #careerchange, #resumewriting, etc.) to find tweets from individuals looking for new opportunities.

Connect with industry influencers:

Influencers can be a great resource for identifying potential candidates. Simply follow and engage with industry influencers in your field to see who they’re connected with and who might be open to new opportunities.

Check out the job board, job fairs, and career websites:

There are many job boards and career websites that have accounts on Twitter. Follow these accounts and retweet their postings to help spread the word about open positions. You never know who might be searching for a new opportunity!

Alternatives to Twitter for Sourcing Candidates

There are several alternative social media platforms to Twitter for recruiting purposes. LinkedIn is popular for recruiters, allowing you to search for and connect with potential candidates. Facebook can also be used to reach out to potential candidates, although searching for specific individuals on the site is more difficult.

Other social media platforms used for recruiting include Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest. Each of these sites has its unique features that can be leveraged to reach out to potential candidates. For example, Instagram can be used to showcase your company culture, while Pinterest can be used to share information about open positions and career opportunities.


Twitter is a good approach to improving your candidate sourcing, and it’s only getting more popular with recruiters to discover, engage and attract job seekers. With its large user base and easy-to-use interface, Twitter is the perfect platform for finding candidates for any open position. And with the recent addition of LinkedIn integration, Twitter has become an even more valuable recruiting tool. If you’re not already using Twitter to source candidates, you’re missing out on a great opportunity.

If you’re looking for talented individuals to join your team, Twitter is a great place to start. Following the tips in this playbook allows you to source talent on Twitter quickly and easily. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start building your dream team!

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