7 Simple Hacks To Improve Your Recruiting Productivity


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The recruiting process can be daunting, even for the most experienced HR professionals. With so many moving parts and stakeholders involved, it isn’t easy to know where to start when it comes to measuring your recruiting productivity. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. According to the LinkedIn “Future of recruitment” survey, a top priority for recruitment agencies over the next five years will be keeping pace with their company’s rapidly changing hiring needs.

In this blog post, we will explore 7 simple ways that you can measure your recruiting productivity. From time-to-hire to cost-per-hire, these metrics will give you a good starting point for understanding the effectiveness of your recruitment efforts.

What’s Eating Up Your Recruiting Time?

The average recruiter spends just over five hours each day on recruiting-related activities. But what exactly are they doing with all that time? A new study from staffing software company Recruitics sheds some light on the matter. The study analyzed data from more than 1,000 recruiters to see how they spend their time during the workday.

Here’s a breakdown of what recruiters are doing with their time:

  • Researching and sourcing candidates: 28%
  • Screening and interviewing candidates: 27%
  • Administering tests and assessments: 10%
  • Writing and posting job descriptions: 9%
  • Coordinating interviews: 8%
  • Conducting reference checks: 6%

Recruiter Burnout #1: Inefficient Talent Sourcing

In a recent survey of 500 talent acquisition professionals, 83% said they were experiencing burnout. The leading causes? Inefficient talent sourcing and an overload of paperwork.

If you’re a recruiter feeling burnt out, it’s important to take a step back and assess your productivity. Are you using your time wisely? Are you efficient in your sourcing methods? Do you have too much paperwork to sift through?

Time Spent Sourcing vs. Time Spent Interviewing

This is a key metric to track because it will give you an idea of how efficient your sourcing methods are. If you’re spending more time sourcing candidates than you are interviewing them, then it’s likely that your sourcing methods are inefficient.

Number of Candidates Sourced vs. Number of Hires

This metric will help you determine the quality of the candidates you’re sourcing. If you’re spending a lot of time sourcing candidates but not making many hires, then it’s likely that the candidates you’re finding are not qualified for the positions you’re trying to fill.

Time Spent on Paperwork vs. Time Spent on Recruiting Activities

If you spend more time on paperwork than on actual recruiting activities, then it’s time to streamline your process. Plenty of tools and software programs available can help automate repetitive tasks.

Recruiter Burnout #2: Building A Talent Pipeline

It’s no secret that the recruiting process can be taxing mentally and emotionally. With the constant pressure to find and place top talent, it’s easy to see how recruiters can become burned out.

One of the best ways to combat recruiter burnout is to build a talent pipeline. By having a pool of qualified candidates at the ready, you can take some of the pressure off of your recruiters and allow them to focus on other aspects of their job.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when building a talent pipeline:

  1. Start with your current employees. Identify high performers and see if they have friends or colleagues interested in working for your company. Your current employees are some of your best brand ambassadors and can help you attract top talent.
  2. Use social media to your advantage. LinkedIn is a great platform for connecting with potential candidates. Use keywords and filters to target the right people, and then reach out and start a conversation.
  3. Stay in touch with past applicants. Just because someone didn’t get the job this time doesn’t mean they’re not a good fit for your company down the road. Keep them in mind for future openings, or even consider them for positions that may open up in other departments.

Building a talent pipeline takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the long run.

Recruiter Burnout #3: Pursuing Passive Candidates

As the war for talent heats up, recruiters feel pressure to fill open positions. With a limited pool of active candidates, many recruiters turn to passive candidates to help close the gap. However, pursuing passive candidates can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. Recruiting recruiters do not often feel burned out when tracking these elusive candidates.

There are a few simple ways to measure your recruiting productivity when pursuing passive candidates. By tracking your progress and outcomes, you can identify areas where you need to improve your process.

  • Response Rate: How many of the passive candidates you contact respond to your initial outreach? This is a good indicator of how effective your messaging is and whether you’re reaching the right people.
  • Conversion Rate: Once you’ve contacted a passive candidate, how likely will they move forward in the recruiting process? This metric will help you gauge how successful you are at selling the opportunity and getting buy-in from the candidate.
  • Time To Fill: How long does it take to fill a position after contacting a passive candidate? This metric will give you an idea of how efficient your process is and whether any bottlenecks need to be addressed.

By tracking these simple metrics, you can get a better handle on your recruiting productivity when pursuing passive candidates.

Recruiter Burnout #4: Inefficient Time To Hire

Recruiter burnout is a real phenomenon, and it can have a significant impact on your business. A recent study by the American Staffing Association found that nearly 60% of recruiters surveyed said they had experienced burnout in the past year.

Several factors can contribute to recruiter burnout, but one of the most common is inefficient hiring time. When recruiters spend too much time on a single hiring process, it can lead to frustration and helplessness. Additionally, this inefficiency can put a strain on your recruiting budget.

So how do you know if your recruiting process is taking too long? Here are a few indicators:

  • You’re not getting enough qualified candidates. If you find yourself sifting through dozens (or even hundreds) of resumes without finding many qualified candidates, your process is likely taking too long.
  • You’re not making enough progress with each candidate. If you’re having trouble getting candidates to move forward in the hiring process, it may be because they’re getting frustrated with the time it takes.
  • Your offer acceptance rate is low. If you’re making job offers, but few candidates accept them, it could be because they’ve already taken another job while waiting for your offer.

Want To Be More Productive in Recruiting? Here are some best practice

Setting measurable goals is the best way to increase your productivity as a recruiter. Doing this can track your progress and ensure that you are always moving forward. Additionally, make sure to break down your goals into smaller, manageable pieces so that you can better focus on each task. Finally, don’t forget to give yourself some time to relax and recharge– burnout is a real danger in any high-pressure job!

Know When To Say Good-Bye

Recruiters are always looking for ways to be more productive. Sometimes, that means knowing when to say goodbye to a candidate.

If a candidate is not a good fit for the position or is not progressing in the interview process, it is important to let them know as soon as possible. This allows the candidate to move on and focus their job search elsewhere.

It can be difficult to tell a candidate they are not right for the job, but it is an important part of the recruiter’s job. By being honest and upfront with candidates, recruiters can build trust and create a positive experience for everyone involved.

Leveraging Your Existing Talent Pool

When it comes to recruiting, one of the best ways to measure your productivity is by leveraging your existing talent pool. By reaching out to your current employees and asking them for referrals, you can quickly and easily identify potential candidates that are a good fit for your company. Not only does this save you time and money, but it also allows you to tap into a trusted source of talent.

Create Email Templates

When emailing candidates, don’t start from scratch each time. Instead, create templates for the different types of emails you send most often. For example, you might have a template for an initial contact email, a follow-up email after an interview, and a rejection email. Having these templates will save you time and help you stay organized.

Invest In Onboarding

When it comes to onboarding, don’t skimp on the details. Invest in a good onboarding program to help new hires acclimate to their new role and company culture. This will help reduce turnover and make your employees more productive in the long run.

Onboarding is essential to the recruiting process, yet it’s often overlooked or done poorly. Don’t let your company be one of those that make this mistake! A good onboarding program will help new hires feel welcome, adjust to their new roles, and learn the company culture. This investment will pay off in reduced turnover and increased productivity.

Streamline The Hiring Process

The hiring process can be time-consuming and daunting, but there are ways to streamline it to make it more efficient. One way to do this is to use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). An ATS can help you keep track of applications and candidates and automate some of the more tedious tasks associated with the hiring process.

Another way to streamline the hiring process is to create clear and concise job descriptions. This will help you attract the right candidates and save time by weeding out those who are not a good fit for the position.

Finally, consider using video interviews as a way to screen candidates. This can be a time-saving tool that allows you to get to know a candidate without having to schedule an in-person meeting.

Improve Recruiter Productivity With These Hacks

The recruiting process can be long and arduous, but it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of ways to improve recruiter productivity so that you can fill those open positions promptly. Implementing simple hacks can make your recruitment process more efficient and effective. From automating repetitive tasks to using data to your advantage, check out these tips to help you improve recruiter productivity.

Recruiting Hack #1: One candidate database

An effective way to improve recruiter productivity is to have one candidate database. This will allow recruiters to avoid searching multiple databases when looking for candidates. It will also allow them to track the progress of their searches easily. Having one candidate database will also make it easier to keep track of communications with candidates.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your recruiter productivity, consider using AI-powered search. This technology can help you quickly and easily find the best candidates for your open positions.

Several different AI-powered search tools are available, so choosing one that fits your needs is important. Once you’ve found a tool you’re comfortable with, enter the skills and experience you’re looking for into the search engine. The results will be populated with candidates who match your criteria.

From there, you can reach out to the candidates directly or use the tool to schedule interviews. Either way, you’ll be able to save time and energy while still finding top-notch talent.

Recruiting Hack #3: Detailed candidate profile

A detailed candidate profile helps recruiters keep track of a candidate’s progress and skills. By including a section for the recruiter to add notes, they can document each interaction they have with a candidate. This is especially important when working with remote teams, as it can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page. Adding a timeline of events and tasks completed by the candidate also helps paint a clear picture of their qualifications and achievements.

Recruiting Hack #4: Tracking your candidates within Talent Pipelines

As a recruiter, it’s important to be as productive as possible to find the best candidates for your open positions. One way to do this is by tracking your candidates within talent pipelines.

A talent pipeline is a system that allows you to track and manage your candidates throughout the recruiting process. Doing this lets, you see where each candidate is in the process, what stage they’re at, and what needs to be done to move them forward.

There are a few different ways to set up talent pipelines, but one of the most effective is using an applicant tracking system (ATS). An ATS will allow you to track and manage your candidates in one place. This can save you a lot of time and energy that would otherwise be spent searching for individual resumes and applications.

As each candidate moves through the recruiting process, update their information in the ATS so that you always have an accurate record of where they are. This will help you keep track of your progress and ensure that no candidate falls through the cracks.

Recruiting Hack #5: Segmenting candidates and creating talent pools

Recruiters are always looking for new and innovative ways to improve their productivity. One way to do this is by segmenting candidates and creating talent pools. This allows recruiters to identify qualified candidates for open positions more easily.

Talent pools can be created for positions, experience levels, or geographic locations. This allows recruiters to identify candidates that match the open position’s requirements quickly. Segmenting candidates also allows recruiters to target their recruiting efforts more efficiently.

Creating talent pools is a great way to improve recruiter productivity. By segmenting candidates, recruiters can more easily identify qualified candidates and efficiently target their recruiting efforts.

Recruiting Hack #6: Leveraging analytics

The most productive recruiters leverage data and analytics to make informed decisions. By understanding where the bottlenecks are in the process and which areas are causing a lack of productivity, you can make changes to improve your team’s efficiency. Additionally, using data to track your recruiting efforts’ progress can help you identify where you need to make changes to be more successful.

Recruiters who use data-driven sourcing strategies can identify patterns and trends that allow them to source more efficiently. They also know which keywords and search terms yield the best results. By leveraging analytics, recruiters can improve their productivity and close more deals.

Recruiting Hack #7: Onboarding and keeping the drive alive

When onboarding recruits, keeping the drive alive is essential for maintaining productivity. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Make sure your onboarding process is efficient and streamlined.
  • Keep communication open with your new hires and ensure they understand their expectations.
  • Help your new hires feel comfortable and welcome by providing a supportive environment.
  • Encourage feedback from your new hires so you can continually improve the onboarding process.


If you’re a recruiter, you know how important it is to be productive. After all, the more productive you are, the more candidates you can screen and the better your chances of finding the right person for the job. Luckily, there are a few hacks that you can use to improve your productivity. These hacks will help you get the most out of your day, from using technology to streamlining your process to keep yourself organized.

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